Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Why we are here, and why Photography?

We love photography.  Enough said, Right?  Nope, not today :D

Why are we here? Well, we want you to know what goes on in the minds of those who capture memories or create art.  Yes, I said ART.  There are some who would disagree, but I think this quote says it all:
A photographer went to a socialite party in New York. As he entered the front door; the host said “I love your pictures – they’re wonderful; you must have a fantastic camera.” He said nothing until dinner was finished, then: “that was a wonderful dinner; you must have a terrific stove.” - Sam Haskins
What I have found is that there is a common misconception that anyone can be a photographer. I don't think this is the case at all, in fact, I think that photographers are inspired by something. Perhaps they were inspired in their childhood, none the less they were inspired by something. 
Ok so what about us?
Me, personally, I feel I was inspired by none other than our great Creator...God Himself.  Let me explain (If you have time ;D)  Well, I have been interested in Photography since childhood but never took it seriously.  For a time, I didn't even have a camera.  I spent much of my time doing graphic arts as a 'hobby' so to speak and one day decided I was tired of buying art, I'd just take the pictures myself.  I bought a camera and used it for awhile, but life got in the way and I used it every once in awhile.  
Last year that changed.  I took some pictures that to me, were amazing! The best I had ever taken and my curiosity was peaked.  I started doing online tutorials and found myself capturing more and more great shots.  I was certain that God wanted this to be a part of my life but did not know how much.  After an illness that took doctors 4 months to finally diagnose and start treatment, I knew this was where I belonged.  Never before have I known something so certain about my life and it took off :)
The name Expressive Harmonies represents the different ways the world and things in it mesh into a beautiful piece of artwork.  Artwork that I feel was created or inspired by God.  
For your viewing pleasure, I present one of my most recent creations.  A photo that God has used to speak to me when I get to worrying :)


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