Sunday, September 18, 2011

B-25 Mitchell

When this plane flew over my head on a scouting visit I had no idea what I was taking a picture of.  My husband, who was along with me was overjoyed to be seeing this plane, which he knew was a bomber from the WWII era.

What we didn't know was that this was the type of plane responsible for a significant part of our attack against mainland Japan. Part of Lt. Colonel Jimmy Doolittle's launch off of the the USS Hornet air craft carrier.

On April 18, 1942 sixteen B-25B's surprised the Japanese home islands after their attack on Pearl Harbor. While there was apparently little reported damage to targets, it aided the U.S. by boosting morale and leaving doubt in the minds of the Japanese military.

Each plane carried a 5 man crew, and was the first mission where USAAF planes launched off the US Navy vessel. During the battle, all 16 planes either crashed or where ditched causing some troops to be held captive and some later executed. 5 men where rescued by US Forces in August of 1945.  One of the men, Jacob DeShazer, returned to the area where he was captured as a missionary and died in 2008.

We are forever grateful to all those who served and those who gave their lives to keep this country strong. 

We thank God for the safety of some, and for giving those who knew Him a new home in Heaven.

For more information, please see the following links:

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Here’s the information on models for this year!

We are looking for models in the following age groups: 

3 openings left - Birth to two years
4 openings left - 2 to 5 years
5 openings left  - K – 8th grade
 4 openings left – 9 – 11th grade
Senior High, male and female from each school, Email us to see if your school is still open!

2 openings left – Couples, prefer recently engaged or already married and no children.
3 openings left – Family, includes photos of each child separately.

Pets - Well behaved only please!

NO SITTING FEE ~ One Category per family please! New clients only. Locations established by Photographer.

All models chosen will receive 10% discount on prints when ordering online within 2 weeks of gallery opening. 

How to take advantage of this offer:
Email us at and answer the following questions:
Infants – 8th grade, couples and Families
When was the last time professional portraits were taken of the individuals involved?
What is your least favorite part about having portraits taken?
Do you agree to allow these portraits to be used for advertisement if selected?

High School Students:
Are you a Senior in High School?
What is your favorite subject?
Please write at least 3 sentences about how others in your high school would say you treat others.

You will be contacted within 1 week from date email was received.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Why we are here, and why Photography?

We love photography.  Enough said, Right?  Nope, not today :D

Why are we here? Well, we want you to know what goes on in the minds of those who capture memories or create art.  Yes, I said ART.  There are some who would disagree, but I think this quote says it all:
A photographer went to a socialite party in New York. As he entered the front door; the host said “I love your pictures – they’re wonderful; you must have a fantastic camera.” He said nothing until dinner was finished, then: “that was a wonderful dinner; you must have a terrific stove.” - Sam Haskins
What I have found is that there is a common misconception that anyone can be a photographer. I don't think this is the case at all, in fact, I think that photographers are inspired by something. Perhaps they were inspired in their childhood, none the less they were inspired by something. 
Ok so what about us?
Me, personally, I feel I was inspired by none other than our great Creator...God Himself.  Let me explain (If you have time ;D)  Well, I have been interested in Photography since childhood but never took it seriously.  For a time, I didn't even have a camera.  I spent much of my time doing graphic arts as a 'hobby' so to speak and one day decided I was tired of buying art, I'd just take the pictures myself.  I bought a camera and used it for awhile, but life got in the way and I used it every once in awhile.  
Last year that changed.  I took some pictures that to me, were amazing! The best I had ever taken and my curiosity was peaked.  I started doing online tutorials and found myself capturing more and more great shots.  I was certain that God wanted this to be a part of my life but did not know how much.  After an illness that took doctors 4 months to finally diagnose and start treatment, I knew this was where I belonged.  Never before have I known something so certain about my life and it took off :)
The name Expressive Harmonies represents the different ways the world and things in it mesh into a beautiful piece of artwork.  Artwork that I feel was created or inspired by God.  
For your viewing pleasure, I present one of my most recent creations.  A photo that God has used to speak to me when I get to worrying :)



We've decided to blog!  Here you will find our favorites from sessions and images that inspire.  Feel free to follow and comment. Expect the first post "Why we are here, why photography?" soon!